Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Happy Tuesday Y'all!  I just have a few random things to share today so I"m just going to let it flow.

  • Today is Megan's birthday!  Happy Birthday dear friend!  She gets the best present ever this year.  Her & Patrick are closing on their home tomorrow! How exciting!

  • Birmingham is supposed to get 2-5" of rain tomorrow. Yikes. We are going to have a monsoon and I'm not prepared for this.
  • The Bachelor.  I have never really liked the "Women Tell All" episode, it's just a replay of clips that they show at the beginning of every episode but of course I'm still going to watch.  Let's talk about dentist Ashley, did anyone else think she looked terrible last night?  She looked so much older and a little like a washed up porn star. Michelle was totally fake crying, why does Chris H. always take up for her? And Oh, I love Jackie.  Sad that she didn't go further.  Hopefully boring Jake makes the right decision next week and picks sweet Emily.  Oh, for those of you that have maybe doubted the "Ricky plane crash/ABC wants to have a dramatic story," we googled "race car Ricky plane crash" last night and the story is totally legit.
Finally, I have a super yummy and easy potato soup recipe to share.  I got the recipe from Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour and it y'all it was the easiest thing I've probably ever done.  It's another perfect recipe to take someone who's sick or just had a baby because it's so simple and easy on the wallet

Crock Pot Potato Soup
1/2 onion, diced
3, 14 oz cans chicken broth
1 can cream of chicken soup
1, 30 oz bag, frozen shredded hashbrowns
1 8 oz pkg. cream cheese (regular, the reduced fat will NOT melt)
pepper to taste
shredded cheese, bacon bits, chives, and sour cream for toppings

To your crockpot add onions, chicken broth, cream of chicken soup, hashbrowns, and pepper, Stir to combine.  Cook on low heat 6-8 hours.  One hour before serving, add in cream cheese.  I let mine sit out most of the day so it would already be softened.  Give cream cheese about an hour to melt thoroughly.  Add desired toppings and feast@!  You won't regret it!

Soup & Salad..yum!

Happy Tuesday Y'all!