Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I found out early this morning that I passed my national boards to practice Audiology!  To say I have been worried about getting back the results is putting it mildly.  Over the weekend I suffered from nightmares and my stomach has been in knots waiting these last few days.  I haven't mentioned this before, but I took the test in November and found out right before Christmas I didn't pass.  Shot. to. the. heart.  I wasn't ashamed of not passing the first time, that joker was hard, but it definitely did a little number on my confidence.  So waiting on these results has been a nightmare.  I had to pass this test in order to graduate and well graduation is rapidly approaching.  If I hadn't passed this test, I would have one more shot before graduation. Pressure huh?  However, I am blessed with a huge family and many friends that have been my prayer warriors.  As today got closer & closer, I had to keep telling myself that God wouldn't bring me to it, if he couldn't pull me through it.  I knew God wasn't going to fail me but being a selfish human I didn't want the stress and pressure of not passing although I knew God was in complete control and everything would work out in the end. 

I knew the results would be posted at 6 a.m.  After several hours of tossing and turning, I looked at the clock and it was 6:27, a little before I had to get out of bed but I couldn't take it anymore.  Ben must have been pretty restless too because he followed me to the computer.  My heart felt like it was about to pound out of my chest and he's standing behind me comforting me.  Of course, when I go to log in I can't remember my stinkin' password. I answer all of the security questions and the website lets me create a new PW.  I get to the page and it says "View Recent Test Score."  My heart speeds up and I gather the nerve to click.  I see the score.  I knew what number that score needed to start with. And I see that magic number.  I blink.  I look again.  I ask Ben, "Does that say what I think it says?"  He says oh so calmly, "uh huh."  I start jumping up & down and I said "hold up scroll down and make sure that says pass".  That wonderful 4-letter word was there!  And I immediately start crying. hah. I call my mom to tell her the good news and she starts crying because I am crying.   And this is how my day began.  

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28

Not actually this morning, but I'm pretty sure my eyes looked like!


  1. Your latest follower! Congrats on passing!

  2. YAY!!! SO proud of you - congrats!! this calls for a celebration...

  3. sooooooo happy for you!!! the past two days i had had you and your test on my mind and had been praying. hope you and ben got to celebrate. you deserve it! so proud of you! knew you could do it!!!

  4. YAY! I knew you could and would do it! Such a relief though!
