Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Break Finally!!

Spring break for me is next week and I am super excited. However, it is somewhat bittersweet because this might be the last official spring break I ever have :( Making it even sadder, I have nothing too exciting planned. I am excited that my mom is coming down the first half of the week and then I am going home to North MS with her for the last part of the week. I am looking forward to seeing my niece and my friends (wine night ladies?)

Spring break growing up was something that I always looked forward too. My mom always took the week off to spend it with her girls. It always involved a shopping trip, to Limited Too or Old Navy. I also remember a several year stretch where we went to the Hunt-Phelan home, a historical antebellum home on Beale St., during spring break with Jessica and Ms. Goldie (our sister & Mom whom we do not share DNA) Apparently, we were fascinated by this huge, old, gorgeous house. There were trips to the zoo, the Children's Museum, and the Pink Palace. These weeks were filled with eating out and lots of virgin strawberry daquiris. It is fun to think back to all the memories that were created during spring break. It is also ironic that I was married in one of these spots that were so frequented in my childhood.
As we got older, more and more time during spring break was spent with friends. Spring break my senior year of high school was one of the most memorable. I had a week full of fun with the women who I still consider my very best friends. We didn't go anywhere, we spent every minute of it in the Memphis area but we still reference this week when discussing our funnest times.

Zoo Dance Senior Year

So as next week approaches, I look forward spending the week with none other than my Mom, sister, and niece and also all the ladies who have made Spring Break one of my favorite times of the year!

Please share your favorite Spring break memories!


  1. Oh the Hunt-Phelan house. I remember it being so huge and grand and now when I see it, it seems so small!

  2. What a sweet post! I love thinking about Spring Break memories! And, yes, our senior year Spring Break was amazing. So much fun!!! I have never been as excited about this Spring Break in my life! I am also very excited because I didn't think you would be coming home, but now I know you are-YAYAYAYA!!! Wine night is a definite.

  3. I hope you had a great Spring Break. I left you an award over at my blog.
